= HOW TO USE = 1) Install xroar-0.31.1-1.apk on your device 2) Start XRoar once to have its data directories created 3) Stuff ROM images into Android/data/uk.org.six809.xroar/files on the device (the uncompressed .ROM files, not zip files) 5) Put your xroar.conf to the same directory Use for instance "ao null" to disable sound 6a) Use the Android command line to load files into the emulator: $ am start -a android.intent.action.RUN \ -n uk.org.six809.xroar/.MainActivity \ -d filename.cas 6b) You can also feed keyboard input to the emulator: $ am start -a android.intent.action.SEND \ -n uk.org.six809.xroar/.MainActivity \ -e android.intent.extra.TEXT "PRINT MEM" 6c) In an external file browser (Ultra Explorer is recommended), select WAV, CAS, ROM files and "Open With" XRoar. = HOW TO BUILD FROM SOURCES = 0) Get Android SDK and NDK from http://developer.android.com/sdk/index.html 1) Get the libSDL 1.2 port for Android: http://github.com/pelya/commandergenius (more information on http://www.anddev.org/sdl_port_for_android_sdk-ndk_16-t9218.html) 2) Unpack xroar-android-sdl-build.tar.gz into same directory 3) Read the included README.xroar for how to currently build it TODO: - better joystick emulation - reduce audio stutter on low-end devices - add a graphical file picker for ctrl-L